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EFI_TCP6_OPTION Struct Reference

Data Fields

UINT32 ReceiveBufferSize
UINT32 SendBufferSize
UINT32 MaxSynBackLog
UINT32 ConnectionTimeout
UINT32 DataRetries
UINT32 FinTimeout
UINT32 TimeWaitTimeout
UINT32 KeepAliveProbes
UINT32 KeepAliveTime
UINT32 KeepAliveInterval
BOOLEAN EnableNagle
BOOLEAN EnableTimeStamp
BOOLEAN EnableWindowScaling
BOOLEAN EnableSelectiveAck
BOOLEAN EnablePathMtuDiscovery

Detailed Description

Field Documentation

UINT32 EFI_TCP6_OPTION::ConnectionTimeout

The maximum seconds a TCP instance will wait for before a TCP connection established. When set to zero, the value is implementation specific.


The number of times TCP will attempt to retransmit a packet on an established connection. When set to zero, the value is implementation specific.


Set it to TRUE to enable the Nagle algorithm as defined in RFC896. Set it to FALSE to disable it.

BOOLEAN EFI_TCP6_OPTION::EnablePathMtuDiscovery

Set it to TRUE to enable path MTU discovery as defined in RFC 1191. Set to FALSE to disable it.


Set it to TRUE to enable selective acknowledge mechanism described in RFC 2018. Set it to FALSE to disable it. Implementation that supports SACK can optionally support DSAK as defined in RFC 2883.


Set it to TRUE to enable TCP timestamps option as defined in RFC1323. Set to FALSE to disable it.

BOOLEAN EFI_TCP6_OPTION::EnableWindowScaling

Set it to TRUE to enable TCP window scale option as defined in RFC1323. Set it to FALSE to disable it.


How many seconds to wait in the FIN_WAIT_2 states for a final FIN flag before the TCP instance is closed. This timeout is in effective only if the application has called Close() to disconnect the connection completely. It is also called FIN_WAIT_2 timer in other implementations. When set to zero, it should be disabled because the FIN_WAIT_2 timer itself is against the standard. The default value is 60.

UINT32 EFI_TCP6_OPTION::KeepAliveInterval

The number of seconds between TCP keep-alive probes after the periodical keep-alive probe if no response. When set to zero, the value is implementation specific. It should be ignored if keep- alive probe is disabled.

UINT32 EFI_TCP6_OPTION::KeepAliveProbes

The maximum number of TCP keep-alive probes to send before giving up and resetting the connection if no response from the other end. Set to zero to disable keep-alive probe.


The number of seconds a connection needs to be idle before TCP sends out periodical keep-alive probes. When set to zero, the value is implementation specific. It should be ignored if keep- alive probe is disabled.


The length of incoming connect request queue for a passive instance. When set to zero, the value is implementation specific.

UINT32 EFI_TCP6_OPTION::ReceiveBufferSize

The size of the TCP receive buffer.

UINT32 EFI_TCP6_OPTION::SendBufferSize

The size of the TCP send buffer.

UINT32 EFI_TCP6_OPTION::TimeWaitTimeout

How many seconds to wait in TIME_WAIT state before the TCP instance is closed. The timer is disabled completely to provide a method to close the TCP connection quickly if it is set to zero. It is against the related RFC documents.