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ProcessorBind.h File Reference


#define MDE_CPU_IA32
#define MAX_BIT   0x80000000
#define MAX_2_BITS   0xC0000000
#define MAX_INTN   ((INTN)0x7FFFFFFF)
#define MIN_INTN   (((INTN)-2147483647) - 1)
#define EFIAPI   __cdecl
#define ASM_GLOBAL   .globl
#define FUNCTION_ENTRY_POINT(FunctionPointer)   (VOID *)(UINTN)(FunctionPointer)
#define __USER_LABEL_PREFIX__   _


typedef unsigned __int64 UINT64
typedef __int64 INT64
typedef unsigned __int32 UINT32
typedef __int32 INT32
typedef unsigned short UINT16
typedef unsigned short CHAR16
typedef short INT16
typedef unsigned char BOOLEAN
typedef unsigned char UINT8
typedef char CHAR8
typedef signed char INT8
typedef UINT32 UINTN
typedef INT32 INTN

Detailed Description

Processor or Compiler specific defines and types for IA-32 architecture.

Copyright (c) 2006 - 2018, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent

Macro Definition Documentation

#define __USER_LABEL_PREFIX__   _
#define ASM_GLOBAL   .globl

For GNU assembly code, .global or .globl can declare global symbols. Define this macro to unify the usage.


The stack alignment required for IA-32.


Page allocation granularity for IA-32.

#define EFIAPI   __cdecl

Microsoft* compiler specific method for EFIAPI calling convention.

#define FUNCTION_ENTRY_POINT (   FunctionPointer)    (VOID *)(UINTN)(FunctionPointer)

Return the pointer to the first instruction of a function given a function pointer. On IA-32 CPU architectures, these two pointer values are the same, so the implementation of this macro is very simple.

FunctionPointerA pointer to a function.
The pointer to the first instruction of a function given a function pointer.
#define MAX_2_BITS   0xC0000000

A value of native width with the two highest bits set.


Maximum legal IA-32 address.


Maximum usable address at boot time

#define MAX_BIT   0x80000000

A value of native width with the highest bit set.

#define MAX_INTN   ((INTN)0x7FFFFFFF)

Maximum legal IA-32 INTN and UINTN values.

#define MDE_CPU_IA32

Define the processor type so other code can make processor based choices.

#define MIN_INTN   (((INTN)-2147483647) - 1)

Minimum legal IA-32 INTN value.


Typedef Documentation

typedef BOOLEAN

Logical Boolean. 1-byte value containing 0 for FALSE or a 1 for TRUE. Other values are undefined.

Gets the enable status of the page break output mode.

User can use this function to determine current page break mode.

Return values
TRUEThe page break output mode is enabled.
FALSEThe page break output mode is disabled.

Judges whether the active shell is the root shell.

This function makes the user to know that whether the active Shell is the root shell.

Return values
TRUEThe active Shell is the root Shell.
FALSEThe active Shell is NOT the root Shell.
typedef unsigned short CHAR16

2-byte Character. Unless otherwise specified all strings are stored in the UTF-16 encoding format as defined by Unicode 2.1 and ISO/IEC 10646 standards.

typedef char CHAR8

1-byte Character.

typedef short INT16

2-byte signed value.

typedef __int32 INT32

4-byte signed value.

typedef __int64 INT64

8-byte signed value.

typedef signed char INT8

1-byte signed value.

typedef INT32 INTN

Signed value of native width. (4 bytes on supported 32-bit processor instructions; 8 bytes on supported 64-bit processor instructions.)

typedef unsigned short UINT16

2-byte unsigned value.

typedef unsigned __int32 UINT32

4-byte unsigned value.

typedef unsigned __int64 UINT64

8-byte unsigned value.

typedef unsigned char UINT8

1-byte unsigned value.

typedef UINT32 UINTN

Unsigned value of native width. (4 bytes on supported 32-bit processor instructions; 8 bytes on supported 64-bit processor instructions.)