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SpiNorFlash.h File Reference

Data Structures





typedef struct
typedef OUT UINT8Buffer
typedef IN UINT32 FlashAddress
typedef IN UINT32 IN UINT32 LengthInBytes
typedef IN UINT32 OUT UINT8FlashStatus
typedef IN UINT32 IN UINT32 BlockCount




EFI_GUID gEfiSpiNorFlashProtocolGuid

Detailed Description

This file defines the SPI NOR Flash Protocol.

Copyright (c) 2017, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent

Revision Reference:
This Protocol was introduced in UEFI PI Specification 1.6.

Macro Definition Documentation

{ 0xb57ec3fe, 0xf833, 0x4ba6, \
{ 0x85, 0x78, 0x2a, 0x7d, 0x6a, 0x87, 0x44, 0x4b }}

Global ID for the SPI NOR Flash Protocol

Typedef Documentation

Function Documentation


Read the 3 byte manufacture and device ID from the SPI flash.

This routine must be called at or below TPL_NOTIFY. This routine reads the 3 byte manufacture and device ID from the flash part filling the buffer provided.

[in]ThisPointer to an EFI_SPI_NOR_FLASH_PROTOCOL data structure.
[out]BufferPointer to a 3 byte buffer to receive the manufacture and device ID.
Return values
EFI_SUCCESSThe manufacture and device ID was read successfully.
EFI_DEVICE_ERRORInvalid data received from SPI flash part.

Read data from the SPI flash.

This routine must be called at or below TPL_NOTIFY. This routine reads data from the SPI part in the buffer provided.

[in]ThisPointer to an EFI_SPI_NOR_FLASH_PROTOCOL data structure.
[in]FlashAddressAddress in the flash to start reading
[in]LengthInBytesRead length in bytes
[out]BufferAddress of a buffer to receive the data
Return values
EFI_SUCCESSThe data was read successfully.
EFI_INVALID_PARAMETERBuffer is NULL, or FlashAddress >= This->FlashSize, or LengthInBytes > This->FlashSize - FlashAddress

Read the flash status register.

This routine must be called at or below TPL_NOTIFY. This routine reads the flash part status register.

[in]ThisPointer to an EFI_SPI_NOR_FLASH_PROTOCOL data structure.
[in]LengthInBytesNumber of status bytes to read.
[out]FlashStatusPointer to a buffer to receive the flash status.
Return values
EFI_SUCCESSThe status register was read successfully.

Write the flash status register.

This routine must be called at or below TPL_N OTIFY. This routine writes the flash part status register.

[in]ThisPointer to an EFI_SPI_NOR_FLASH_PROTOCOL data structure.
[in]LengthInBytesNumber of status bytes to write.
[in]FlashStatusPointer to a buffer containing the new status.
Return values
EFI_SUCCESSThe status write was successful.
EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCESFailed to allocate the write buffer.

Write data to the SPI flash.

This routine must be called at or below TPL_NOTIFY. This routine breaks up the write operation as necessary to write the data to the SPI part.

[in]ThisPointer to an EFI_SPI_NOR_FLASH_PROTOCOL data structure.
[in]FlashAddressAddress in the flash to start writing
[in]LengthInBytesWrite length in bytes
[in]BufferAddress of a buffer containing the data
Return values
EFI_SUCCESSThe data was written successfully.
EFI_INVALID_PARAMETERBuffer is NULL, or FlashAddress >= This->FlashSize, or LengthInBytes > This->FlashSize - FlashAddress
EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCESInsufficient memory to copy buffer.

Efficiently erases one or more 4KiB regions in the SPI flash.

This routine must be called at or below TPL_NOTIFY. This routine uses a combination of 4 KiB and larger blocks to erase the specified area.

[in]ThisPointer to an EFI_SPI_NOR_FLASH_PROTOCOL data structure.
[in]FlashAddressAddress within a 4 KiB block to start erasing
[in]BlockCountNumber of 4 KiB blocks to erase
Return values
EFI_SUCCESSThe erase was completed successfully.
EFI_INVALID_PARAMETERFlashAddress >= This->FlashSize, or BlockCount * 4 KiB > This->FlashSize - FlashAddress

Variable Documentation

EFI_GUID gEfiSpiNorFlashProtocolGuid