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Http11.h File Reference


#define HTTP_VERSION   "HTTP/1.1"
#define HTTP_HEADER_ACCEPT   "Accept"
#define HTTP_HEADER_ACCEPT_CHARSET   "Accept-Charset"
#define HTTP_HEADER_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE   "Accept-Language"
#define HTTP_HEADER_ACCEPT_RANGES   "Accept-Ranges"
#define HTTP_HEADER_ACCEPT_ENCODING   "Accept-Encoding"
#define HTTP_HEADER_CONTENT_ENCODING   "Content-Encoding"
#define HTTP_HEADER_CONTENT_TYPE   "Content-Type"
 compression mechanism described in RFC 1951. More...
#define HTTP_CONTENT_TYPE_APP_JSON   "application/json"
#define HTTP_CONTENT_TYPE_APP_OCTET_STREAM   "application/octet-stream"
#define HTTP_CONTENT_TYPE_TEXT_HTML   "text/html"
#define HTTP_CONTENT_TYPE_TEXT_PLAIN   "text/plain"
#define HTTP_CONTENT_TYPE_TEXT_CSS   "text/css"
#define HTTP_CONTENT_TYPE_TEXT_XML   "text/xml"
#define HTTP_CONTENT_TYPE_IMAGE_GIF   "image/gif"
#define HTTP_CONTENT_TYPE_IMAGE_JPEG   "image/jpeg"
#define HTTP_CONTENT_TYPE_IMAGE_PNG   "image/png"
#define HTTP_CONTENT_TYPE_IMAGE_SVG_XML   "image/svg+xml"
#define HTTP_HEADER_CONTENT_LENGTH   "Content-Length"
#define HTTP_HEADER_TRANSFER_ENCODING   "Transfer-Encoding"
#define HTTP_HEADER_USER_AGENT   "User-Agent"
#define HTTP_HEADER_HOST   "Host"
#define HTTP_HEADER_LOCATION   "Location"
#define HTTP_HEADER_IF_MATCH   "If-Match"
#define HTTP_HEADER_IF_NONE_MATCH   "If-None-Match"
#define HTTP_HEADER_AUTHORIZATION   "Authorization"
#define HTTP_HEADER_ETAG   "ETag"
#define HTTP_HEADER_X_AUTH_TOKEN   "X-Auth-Token"
#define HTTP_HEADER_EXPECT   "Expect"
#define HTTP_EXPECT_100_CONTINUE   "100-continue"

Detailed Description

Hypertext Transfer Protocol – HTTP/1.1 Standard definitions, from RFC 2616

This file contains common HTTP 1.1 definitions from RFC 2616

(C) Copyright 2015-2016 Hewlett Packard Enterprise Development LP
SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent

Macro Definition Documentation


HTTP Content-Encoding Compression types

#define HTTP_CONTENT_TYPE_APP_JSON   "application/json"
#define HTTP_CONTENT_TYPE_APP_OCTET_STREAM   "application/octet-stream"
#define HTTP_CONTENT_TYPE_IMAGE_GIF   "image/gif"
#define HTTP_CONTENT_TYPE_IMAGE_JPEG   "image/jpeg"
#define HTTP_CONTENT_TYPE_IMAGE_PNG   "image/png"
#define HTTP_CONTENT_TYPE_IMAGE_SVG_XML   "image/svg+xml"
#define HTTP_CONTENT_TYPE_TEXT_CSS   "text/css"
#define HTTP_CONTENT_TYPE_TEXT_HTML   "text/html"
#define HTTP_CONTENT_TYPE_TEXT_PLAIN   "text/plain"
#define HTTP_CONTENT_TYPE_TEXT_XML   "text/xml"
#define HTTP_EXPECT_100_CONTINUE   "100-continue"

Expect Header Value

#define HTTP_HEADER_ACCEPT   "Accept"

Accept Request Header The Accept request-header field can be used to specify certain media types which are acceptable for the response. Accept headers can be used to indicate that the request is specifically limited to a small set of desired types, as in the case of a request for an in-line image.

#define HTTP_HEADER_ACCEPT_CHARSET   "Accept-Charset"

Accept-Charset Request Header The Accept-Charset request-header field can be used to indicate what character sets are acceptable for the response. This field allows clients capable of understanding more comprehensive or special-purpose character sets to signal that capability to a server which is capable of representing documents in those character sets.

#define HTTP_HEADER_ACCEPT_ENCODING   "Accept-Encoding"

Accept-Encoding Request Header The Accept-Encoding request-header field is similar to Accept, but restricts the content-codings that are acceptable in the response.

#define HTTP_HEADER_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE   "Accept-Language"

Accept-Language Request Header The Accept-Language request-header field is similar to Accept, but restricts the set of natural languages that are preferred as a response to the request.

#define HTTP_HEADER_ACCEPT_RANGES   "Accept-Ranges"

Accept-Ranges Request Header The Accept-Ranges response-header field allows the server to indicate its acceptance of range requests for a resource:

#define HTTP_HEADER_AUTHORIZATION   "Authorization"

Authorization Request Header The Authorization field value consists of credentials containing the authentication information of the user agent for the realm of the resource being requested.

#define HTTP_HEADER_CONTENT_ENCODING   "Content-Encoding"

Content-Encoding Header The Content-Encoding entity-header field is used as a modifier to the media-type. When present, its value indicates what additional content codings have been applied to the entity-body, and thus what decoding mechanisms must be applied in order to obtain the media-type referenced by the Content-Type header field. Content-Encoding is primarily used to allow a document to be compressed without losing the identity of its underlying media type.

#define HTTP_HEADER_CONTENT_LENGTH   "Content-Length"

Content-Length Header The Content-Length entity-header field indicates the size of the entity-body, in decimal number of OCTETs, sent to the recipient or, in the case of the HEAD method, the size of the entity-body that would have been sent had the request been a GET.

#define HTTP_HEADER_CONTENT_TYPE   "Content-Type"

compression mechanism described in RFC 1951.

Content-Type Header The Content-Type entity-header field indicates the media type of the entity-body sent to the recipient or, in the case of the HEAD method, the media type that would have been sent had the request been a GET.

#define HTTP_HEADER_ETAG   "ETag"

ETAG Response Header The ETag response-header field provides the current value of the entity tag for the requested variant.

#define HTTP_HEADER_EXPECT   "Expect"

Expect Header The "Expect" header field in a request indicates a certain set of behaviors (expectations) that need to be supported by the server in order to properly handle this request. The only such expectation defined by this specification is 100-continue.

#define HTTP_HEADER_HOST   "Host"

Host Request Header

The Host request-header field specifies the Internet host and port number of the resource being requested, as obtained from the original URI given by the user or referring resource

#define HTTP_HEADER_IF_MATCH   "If-Match"

The If-Match request-header field is used with a method to make it conditional. A client that has one or more entities previously obtained from the resource can verify that one of those entities is current by including a list of their associated entity tags in the If-Match header field. The purpose of this feature is to allow efficient updates of cached information with a minimum amount of transaction overhead. It is also used, on updating requests, to prevent inadvertent modification of the wrong version of a resource. As a special case, the value "*" matches any current entity of the resource.

#define HTTP_HEADER_IF_NONE_MATCH   "If-None-Match"

The If-None-Match request-header field is used with a method to make it conditional. A client that has one or more entities previously obtained from the resource can verify that none of those entities is current by including a list of their associated entity tags in the If-None-Match header field. The purpose of this feature is to allow efficient updates of cached information with a minimum amount of transaction overhead. It is also used to prevent a method (e.g. PUT) from inadvertently modifying an existing resource when the client believes that the resource does not exist.

#define HTTP_HEADER_LOCATION   "Location"

Location Response Header

The Location response-header field is used to redirect the recipient to a location other than the Request-URI for completion of the request or identification of a new resource. For 201 (Created) responses, the Location is that of the new resource which was created by the request. For 3xx responses, the location SHOULD indicate the server's preferred URI for automatic redirection to the resource. The field value consists of a single absolute URI.

#define HTTP_HEADER_TRANSFER_ENCODING   "Transfer-Encoding"

Transfer-Encoding Header The Transfer-Encoding general-header field indicates what (if any) type of transformation has been applied to the message body in order to safely transfer it between the sender and the recipient. This differs from the content-coding in that the transfer-coding is a property of the message, not of the entity.

#define HTTP_HEADER_USER_AGENT   "User-Agent"

User Agent Request Header

The User-Agent request-header field contains information about the user agent originating the request. This is for statistical purposes, the tracing of protocol violations, and automated recognition of user agents for the sake of tailoring responses to avoid particular user agent limitations. User agents SHOULD include this field with requests. The field can contain multiple product tokens and comments identifying the agent and any subproducts which form a significant part of the user agent. By convention, the product tokens are listed in order of their significance for identifying the application.

#define HTTP_HEADER_X_AUTH_TOKEN   "X-Auth-Token"

Custom header field checked by the iLO web server to specify a client session key. Example: X-Auth-Token: 24de6b1f8fa147ad59f6452def628798


Connect method has maximum length according to EFI_HTTP_METHOD defined in UEFI2.5 spec so use this.


HTTP Request Method definitions

The Method token indicates the method to be performed on the resource identified by the Request-URI. The method is case-sensitive.

#define HTTP_VERSION   "HTTP/1.1"

HTTP Version (currently HTTP 1.1)

The version of an HTTP message is indicated by an HTTP-Version field in the first line of the message.