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CmArmCmn600Info Struct Reference

Data Fields

UINT64 PeriphBaseAddress
UINT64 PeriphBaseAddressLength
UINT64 RootNodeBaseAddress
UINT8 DtcCount

Detailed Description

A structure that describes the CMN-600 hardware.

ID: EArmObjCmn600Info

Field Documentation

UINT8 CmArmCmn600Info::DtcCount

The Debug and Trace Logic Controller (DTC) count. CMN-600 can have maximum 4 DTCs.

CM_ARM_EXTENDED_INTERRUPT CmArmCmn600Info::DtcInterrupt[4]

DTC Interrupt list. The first interrupt resource descriptor pertains to DTC[0], the second to DTC[1] and so on. DtcCount determines the number of DTC Interrupts that are populated. If DTC count is 2 then DtcInterrupt[2] and DtcInterrupt[3] are ignored. Note: The size of CM_ARM_CMN_600_INFO structure remains constant and does not vary with the DTC count.

UINT64 CmArmCmn600Info::PeriphBaseAddress

The PERIPHBASE address. Corresponds to the Configuration Node Region (CFGR) base address.

UINT64 CmArmCmn600Info::PeriphBaseAddressLength

The PERIPHBASE address length. Corresponds to the CFGR base address length.

UINT64 CmArmCmn600Info::RootNodeBaseAddress

The ROOTNODEBASE address. Corresponds to the Root node (ROOT) base address.