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BaseCryptLib.h File Reference

Data Structures



#define MD5_DIGEST_SIZE   16
#define SHA1_DIGEST_SIZE   20
#define SHA256_DIGEST_SIZE   32
#define SHA384_DIGEST_SIZE   48
#define SHA512_DIGEST_SIZE   64
#define SM3_256_DIGEST_SIZE   32
#define TDES_BLOCK_SIZE   8
#define AES_BLOCK_SIZE   16


enum  RSA_KEY_TAG {
  RsaKeyN, RsaKeyE, RsaKeyD, RsaKeyP,
  RsaKeyQ, RsaKeyDp, RsaKeyDq, RsaKeyQInv


UINTN EFIAPI Sha1GetContextSize (VOID)
BOOLEAN EFIAPI Sha1Duplicate (IN CONST VOID *Sha1Context, OUT VOID *NewSha1Context)
BOOLEAN EFIAPI Sha1Final (IN OUT VOID *Sha1Context, OUT UINT8 *HashValue)
UINTN EFIAPI Sha256GetContextSize (VOID)
BOOLEAN EFIAPI Sha256Init (OUT VOID *Sha256Context)
BOOLEAN EFIAPI Sha256Duplicate (IN CONST VOID *Sha256Context, OUT VOID *NewSha256Context)
BOOLEAN EFIAPI Sha256Update (IN OUT VOID *Sha256Context, IN CONST VOID *Data, IN UINTN DataSize)
BOOLEAN EFIAPI Sha256Final (IN OUT VOID *Sha256Context, OUT UINT8 *HashValue)
UINTN EFIAPI Sha384GetContextSize (VOID)
BOOLEAN EFIAPI Sha384Init (OUT VOID *Sha384Context)
BOOLEAN EFIAPI Sha384Duplicate (IN CONST VOID *Sha384Context, OUT VOID *NewSha384Context)
BOOLEAN EFIAPI Sha384Update (IN OUT VOID *Sha384Context, IN CONST VOID *Data, IN UINTN DataSize)
BOOLEAN EFIAPI Sha384Final (IN OUT VOID *Sha384Context, OUT UINT8 *HashValue)
UINTN EFIAPI Sha512GetContextSize (VOID)
BOOLEAN EFIAPI Sha512Init (OUT VOID *Sha512Context)
BOOLEAN EFIAPI Sha512Duplicate (IN CONST VOID *Sha512Context, OUT VOID *NewSha512Context)
BOOLEAN EFIAPI Sha512Update (IN OUT VOID *Sha512Context, IN CONST VOID *Data, IN UINTN DataSize)
BOOLEAN EFIAPI Sha512Final (IN OUT VOID *Sha512Context, OUT UINT8 *HashValue)
BOOLEAN EFIAPI Sm3Duplicate (IN CONST VOID *Sm3Context, OUT VOID *NewSm3Context)
BOOLEAN EFIAPI Sm3Final (IN OUT VOID *Sm3Context, OUT UINT8 *HashValue)
VOID EFIAPI HmacSha256Free (IN VOID *HmacSha256Ctx)
BOOLEAN EFIAPI HmacSha256SetKey (OUT VOID *HmacSha256Context, IN CONST UINT8 *Key, IN UINTN KeySize)
BOOLEAN EFIAPI HmacSha256Duplicate (IN CONST VOID *HmacSha256Context, OUT VOID *NewHmacSha256Context)
BOOLEAN EFIAPI HmacSha256Update (IN OUT VOID *HmacSha256Context, IN CONST VOID *Data, IN UINTN DataSize)
BOOLEAN EFIAPI HmacSha256Final (IN OUT VOID *HmacSha256Context, OUT UINT8 *HmacValue)
BOOLEAN EFIAPI AesCbcEncrypt (IN VOID *AesContext, IN CONST UINT8 *Input, IN UINTN InputSize, IN CONST UINT8 *Ivec, OUT UINT8 *Output)
BOOLEAN EFIAPI AesCbcDecrypt (IN VOID *AesContext, IN CONST UINT8 *Input, IN UINTN InputSize, IN CONST UINT8 *Ivec, OUT UINT8 *Output)
VOID EFIAPI RsaFree (IN VOID *RsaContext)
BOOLEAN EFIAPI RsaGenerateKey (IN OUT VOID *RsaContext, IN UINTN ModulusLength, IN CONST UINT8 *PublicExponent, IN UINTN PublicExponentSize)
BOOLEAN EFIAPI RsaCheckKey (IN VOID *RsaContext)
BOOLEAN EFIAPI RsaPkcs1Sign (IN VOID *RsaContext, IN CONST UINT8 *MessageHash, IN UINTN HashSize, OUT UINT8 *Signature, IN OUT UINTN *SigSize)
BOOLEAN EFIAPI RsaPkcs1Verify (IN VOID *RsaContext, IN CONST UINT8 *MessageHash, IN UINTN HashSize, IN CONST UINT8 *Signature, IN UINTN SigSize)
BOOLEAN EFIAPI RsaPssSign (IN VOID *RsaContext, IN CONST UINT8 *Message, IN UINTN MsgSize, IN UINT16 DigestLen, IN UINT16 SaltLen, OUT UINT8 *Signature, IN OUT UINTN *SigSize)
BOOLEAN EFIAPI RsaPssVerify (IN VOID *RsaContext, IN CONST UINT8 *Message, IN UINTN MsgSize, IN CONST UINT8 *Signature, IN UINTN SigSize, IN UINT16 DigestLen, IN UINT16 SaltLen)
BOOLEAN EFIAPI RsaGetPrivateKeyFromPem (IN CONST UINT8 *PemData, IN UINTN PemSize, IN CONST CHAR8 *Password, OUT VOID **RsaContext)
BOOLEAN EFIAPI RsaGetPublicKeyFromX509 (IN CONST UINT8 *Cert, IN UINTN CertSize, OUT VOID **RsaContext)
BOOLEAN EFIAPI X509GetSubjectName (IN CONST UINT8 *Cert, IN UINTN CertSize, OUT UINT8 *CertSubject, IN OUT UINTN *SubjectSize)
RETURN_STATUS EFIAPI X509GetCommonName (IN CONST UINT8 *Cert, IN UINTN CertSize, OUT CHAR8 *CommonName, IN OUT UINTN *CommonNameSize)
RETURN_STATUS EFIAPI X509GetOrganizationName (IN CONST UINT8 *Cert, IN UINTN CertSize, OUT CHAR8 *NameBuffer, IN OUT UINTN *NameBufferSize)
BOOLEAN EFIAPI X509ConstructCertificate (IN CONST UINT8 *Cert, IN UINTN CertSize, OUT UINT8 **SingleX509Cert)
BOOLEAN EFIAPI X509ConstructCertificateStackV (IN OUT UINT8 **X509Stack, IN VA_LIST Args)
BOOLEAN EFIAPI X509ConstructCertificateStack (IN OUT UINT8 **X509Stack,...)
VOID EFIAPI X509Free (IN VOID *X509Cert)
VOID EFIAPI X509StackFree (IN VOID *X509Stack)
BOOLEAN EFIAPI Pkcs5HashPassword (IN UINTN PasswordLength, IN CONST CHAR8 *Password, IN UINTN SaltLength, IN CONST UINT8 *Salt, IN UINTN IterationCount, IN UINTN DigestSize, IN UINTN KeyLength, OUT UINT8 *OutKey)
BOOLEAN EFIAPI Pkcs1v2Encrypt (IN CONST UINT8 *PublicKey, IN UINTN PublicKeySize, IN UINT8 *InData, IN UINTN InDataSize, IN CONST UINT8 *PrngSeed, IN UINTN PrngSeedSize, OUT UINT8 **EncryptedData, OUT UINTN *EncryptedDataSize)
BOOLEAN EFIAPI Pkcs7GetSigners (IN CONST UINT8 *P7Data, IN UINTN P7Length, OUT UINT8 **CertStack, OUT UINTN *StackLength, OUT UINT8 **TrustedCert, OUT UINTN *CertLength)
VOID EFIAPI Pkcs7FreeSigners (IN UINT8 *Certs)
BOOLEAN EFIAPI Pkcs7GetCertificatesList (IN CONST UINT8 *P7Data, IN UINTN P7Length, OUT UINT8 **SignerChainCerts, OUT UINTN *ChainLength, OUT UINT8 **UnchainCerts, OUT UINTN *UnchainLength)
BOOLEAN EFIAPI Pkcs7Sign (IN CONST UINT8 *PrivateKey, IN UINTN PrivateKeySize, IN CONST UINT8 *KeyPassword, IN UINT8 *InData, IN UINTN InDataSize, IN UINT8 *SignCert, IN UINT8 *OtherCerts, OUT UINT8 **SignedData, OUT UINTN *SignedDataSize)
BOOLEAN EFIAPI Pkcs7Verify (IN CONST UINT8 *P7Data, IN UINTN P7Length, IN CONST UINT8 *TrustedCert, IN UINTN CertLength, IN CONST UINT8 *InData, IN UINTN DataLength)
RETURN_STATUS EFIAPI VerifyEKUsInPkcs7Signature (IN CONST UINT8 *Pkcs7Signature, IN CONST UINT32 SignatureSize, IN CONST CHAR8 *RequiredEKUs[], IN CONST UINT32 RequiredEKUsSize, IN BOOLEAN RequireAllPresent)
BOOLEAN EFIAPI Pkcs7GetAttachedContent (IN CONST UINT8 *P7Data, IN UINTN P7Length, OUT VOID **Content, OUT UINTN *ContentSize)
BOOLEAN EFIAPI AuthenticodeVerify (IN CONST UINT8 *AuthData, IN UINTN DataSize, IN CONST UINT8 *TrustedCert, IN UINTN CertSize, IN CONST UINT8 *ImageHash, IN UINTN HashSize)
BOOLEAN EFIAPI ImageTimestampVerify (IN CONST UINT8 *AuthData, IN UINTN DataSize, IN CONST UINT8 *TsaCert, IN UINTN CertSize, OUT EFI_TIME *SigningTime)
BOOLEAN EFIAPI DhGenerateParameter (IN OUT VOID *DhContext, IN UINTN Generator, IN UINTN PrimeLength, OUT UINT8 *Prime)
BOOLEAN EFIAPI DhSetParameter (IN OUT VOID *DhContext, IN UINTN Generator, IN UINTN PrimeLength, IN CONST UINT8 *Prime)
BOOLEAN EFIAPI DhGenerateKey (IN OUT VOID *DhContext, OUT UINT8 *PublicKey, IN OUT UINTN *PublicKeySize)
BOOLEAN EFIAPI DhComputeKey (IN OUT VOID *DhContext, IN CONST UINT8 *PeerPublicKey, IN UINTN PeerPublicKeySize, OUT UINT8 *Key, IN OUT UINTN *KeySize)
BOOLEAN EFIAPI HkdfSha256ExtractAndExpand (IN CONST UINT8 *Key, IN UINTN KeySize, IN CONST UINT8 *Salt, IN UINTN SaltSize, IN CONST UINT8 *Info, IN UINTN InfoSize, OUT UINT8 *Out, IN UINTN OutSize)

Detailed Description

Defines base cryptographic library APIs. The Base Cryptographic Library provides implementations of basic cryptography primitives (Hash Serials, HMAC, RSA, Diffie-Hellman, etc) for UEFI security functionality enabling.

Copyright (c) 2009 - 2020, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent

Macro Definition Documentation

#define AES_BLOCK_SIZE   16

AES block size in bytes

#define MD5_DIGEST_SIZE   16

MD5 digest size in bytes

#define SHA1_DIGEST_SIZE   20

SHA-1 digest size in bytes.

#define SHA256_DIGEST_SIZE   32

SHA-256 digest size in bytes

#define SHA384_DIGEST_SIZE   48

SHA-384 digest size in bytes

#define SHA512_DIGEST_SIZE   64

SHA-512 digest size in bytes

#define SM3_256_DIGEST_SIZE   32

SM3 digest size in bytes

#define TDES_BLOCK_SIZE   8

TDES block size in bytes

Enumeration Type Documentation

RSA Key Tags Definition used in RsaSetKey() function for key component identification.


RSA public Modulus (N)


RSA Public exponent (e)


RSA Private exponent (d)


RSA secret prime factor of Modulus (p)


RSA secret prime factor of Modules (q)


p's CRT exponent (== d mod (p - 1))


q's CRT exponent (== d mod (q - 1))


The CRT coefficient (== 1/q mod p)

Function Documentation

BOOLEAN EFIAPI AesCbcDecrypt ( IN VOID *  AesContext,
IN CONST UINT8 *  Input,
IN UINTN  InputSize,
OUT UINT8 *  Output 

Performs AES decryption on a data buffer of the specified size in CBC mode.

This function performs AES decryption on data buffer pointed by Input, of specified size of InputSize, in CBC mode. InputSize must be multiple of block size (16 bytes). This function does not perform padding. Caller must perform padding, if necessary, to ensure valid input data size. Initialization vector should be one block size (16 bytes). AesContext should be already correctly initialized by AesInit(). Behavior with invalid AES context is undefined.

If AesContext is NULL, then return FALSE. If Input is NULL, then return FALSE. If InputSize is not multiple of block size (16 bytes), then return FALSE. If Ivec is NULL, then return FALSE. If Output is NULL, then return FALSE. If this interface is not supported, then return FALSE.

[in]AesContextPointer to the AES context.
[in]InputPointer to the buffer containing the data to be encrypted.
[in]InputSizeSize of the Input buffer in bytes.
[in]IvecPointer to initialization vector.
[out]OutputPointer to a buffer that receives the AES encryption output.
Return values
TRUEAES decryption succeeded.
FALSEAES decryption failed.
FALSEThis interface is not supported.
BOOLEAN EFIAPI AesCbcEncrypt ( IN VOID *  AesContext,
IN CONST UINT8 *  Input,
IN UINTN  InputSize,
OUT UINT8 *  Output 

Performs AES encryption on a data buffer of the specified size in CBC mode.

This function performs AES encryption on data buffer pointed by Input, of specified size of InputSize, in CBC mode. InputSize must be multiple of block size (16 bytes). This function does not perform padding. Caller must perform padding, if necessary, to ensure valid input data size. Initialization vector should be one block size (16 bytes). AesContext should be already correctly initialized by AesInit(). Behavior with invalid AES context is undefined.

If AesContext is NULL, then return FALSE. If Input is NULL, then return FALSE. If InputSize is not multiple of block size (16 bytes), then return FALSE. If Ivec is NULL, then return FALSE. If Output is NULL, then return FALSE. If this interface is not supported, then return FALSE.

[in]AesContextPointer to the AES context.
[in]InputPointer to the buffer containing the data to be encrypted.
[in]InputSizeSize of the Input buffer in bytes.
[in]IvecPointer to initialization vector.
[out]OutputPointer to a buffer that receives the AES encryption output.
Return values
TRUEAES encryption succeeded.
FALSEAES encryption failed.
FALSEThis interface is not supported.
UINTN EFIAPI AesGetContextSize ( VOID  )

Retrieves the size, in bytes, of the context buffer required for AES operations.

If this interface is not supported, then return zero.

The size, in bytes, of the context buffer required for AES operations.
Return values
0This interface is not supported.
BOOLEAN EFIAPI AesInit ( OUT VOID *  AesContext,
IN UINTN  KeyLength 

Initializes user-supplied memory as AES context for subsequent use.

This function initializes user-supplied memory pointed by AesContext as AES context. In addition, it sets up all AES key materials for subsequent encryption and decryption operations. There are 3 options for key length, 128 bits, 192 bits, and 256 bits.

If AesContext is NULL, then return FALSE. If Key is NULL, then return FALSE. If KeyLength is not valid, then return FALSE. If this interface is not supported, then return FALSE.

[out]AesContextPointer to AES context being initialized.
[in]KeyPointer to the user-supplied AES key.
[in]KeyLengthLength of AES key in bits.
Return values
TRUEAES context initialization succeeded.
FALSEAES context initialization failed.
FALSEThis interface is not supported.
BOOLEAN EFIAPI AuthenticodeVerify ( IN CONST UINT8 *  AuthData,
IN UINTN  DataSize,
IN CONST UINT8 *  TrustedCert,
IN UINTN  CertSize,
IN CONST UINT8 *  ImageHash,
IN UINTN  HashSize 

Verifies the validity of a PE/COFF Authenticode Signature as described in "Windows Authenticode Portable Executable Signature Format".

If AuthData is NULL, then return FALSE. If ImageHash is NULL, then return FALSE. If this interface is not supported, then return FALSE.

[in]AuthDataPointer to the Authenticode Signature retrieved from signed PE/COFF image to be verified.
[in]DataSizeSize of the Authenticode Signature in bytes.
[in]TrustedCertPointer to a trusted/root certificate encoded in DER, which is used for certificate chain verification.
[in]CertSizeSize of the trusted certificate in bytes.
[in]ImageHashPointer to the original image file hash value. The procedure for calculating the image hash value is described in Authenticode specification.
[in]HashSizeSize of Image hash value in bytes.
Return values
TRUEThe specified Authenticode Signature is valid.
FALSEInvalid Authenticode Signature.
FALSEThis interface is not supported.
BOOLEAN EFIAPI DhComputeKey ( IN OUT VOID *  DhContext,
IN CONST UINT8 *  PeerPublicKey,
IN UINTN  PeerPublicKeySize,
OUT UINT8 *  Key,
IN OUT UINTN *  KeySize 

Computes exchanged common key.

Given peer's public key, this function computes the exchanged common key, based on its own context including value of prime modulus and random secret exponent.

If DhContext is NULL, then return FALSE. If PeerPublicKey is NULL, then return FALSE. If KeySize is NULL, then return FALSE. If Key is NULL, then return FALSE. If KeySize is not large enough, then return FALSE. If this interface is not supported, then return FALSE.

[in,out]DhContextPointer to the DH context.
[in]PeerPublicKeyPointer to the peer's public key.
[in]PeerPublicKeySizeSize of peer's public key in bytes.
[out]KeyPointer to the buffer to receive generated key.
[in,out]KeySizeOn input, the size of Key buffer in bytes. On output, the size of data returned in Key buffer in bytes.
Return values
TRUEDH exchanged key generation succeeded.
FALSEDH exchanged key generation failed.
FALSEKeySize is not large enough.
FALSEThis interface is not supported.
VOID EFIAPI DhFree ( IN VOID *  DhContext)

Release the specified DH context.

If the interface is not supported, then ASSERT().

[in]DhContextPointer to the DH context to be released.
BOOLEAN EFIAPI DhGenerateKey ( IN OUT VOID *  DhContext,
OUT UINT8 *  PublicKey,
IN OUT UINTN *  PublicKeySize 

Generates DH public key.

This function generates random secret exponent, and computes the public key, which is returned via parameter PublicKey and PublicKeySize. DH context is updated accordingly. If the PublicKey buffer is too small to hold the public key, FALSE is returned and PublicKeySize is set to the required buffer size to obtain the public key.

If DhContext is NULL, then return FALSE. If PublicKeySize is NULL, then return FALSE. If PublicKeySize is large enough but PublicKey is NULL, then return FALSE. If this interface is not supported, then return FALSE.

[in,out]DhContextPointer to the DH context.
[out]PublicKeyPointer to the buffer to receive generated public key.
[in,out]PublicKeySizeOn input, the size of PublicKey buffer in bytes. On output, the size of data returned in PublicKey buffer in bytes.
Return values
TRUEDH public key generation succeeded.
FALSEDH public key generation failed.
FALSEPublicKeySize is not large enough.
FALSEThis interface is not supported.
BOOLEAN EFIAPI DhGenerateParameter ( IN OUT VOID *  DhContext,
IN UINTN  Generator,
IN UINTN  PrimeLength,
OUT UINT8 *  Prime 

Generates DH parameter.

Given generator g, and length of prime number p in bits, this function generates p, and sets DH context according to value of g and p.

Before this function can be invoked, pseudorandom number generator must be correctly initialized by RandomSeed().

If DhContext is NULL, then return FALSE. If Prime is NULL, then return FALSE. If this interface is not supported, then return FALSE.

[in,out]DhContextPointer to the DH context.
[in]GeneratorValue of generator.
[in]PrimeLengthLength in bits of prime to be generated.
[out]PrimePointer to the buffer to receive the generated prime number.
Return values
TRUEDH parameter generation succeeded.
FALSEValue of Generator is not supported.
FALSEPRNG fails to generate random prime number with PrimeLength.
FALSEThis interface is not supported.

Allocates and Initializes one Diffie-Hellman Context for subsequent use.

Pointer to the Diffie-Hellman Context that has been initialized. If the allocations fails, DhNew() returns NULL. If the interface is not supported, DhNew() returns NULL.
BOOLEAN EFIAPI DhSetParameter ( IN OUT VOID *  DhContext,
IN UINTN  Generator,
IN UINTN  PrimeLength,
IN CONST UINT8 *  Prime 

Sets generator and prime parameters for DH.

Given generator g, and prime number p, this function and sets DH context accordingly.

If DhContext is NULL, then return FALSE. If Prime is NULL, then return FALSE. If this interface is not supported, then return FALSE.

[in,out]DhContextPointer to the DH context.
[in]GeneratorValue of generator.
[in]PrimeLengthLength in bits of prime to be generated.
[in]PrimePointer to the prime number.
Return values
TRUEDH parameter setting succeeded.
FALSEValue of Generator is not supported.
FALSEValue of Generator is not suitable for the Prime.
FALSEValue of Prime is not a prime number.
FALSEValue of Prime is not a safe prime number.
FALSEThis interface is not supported.
BOOLEAN EFIAPI HkdfSha256ExtractAndExpand ( IN CONST UINT8 *  Key,
IN UINTN  KeySize,
IN UINTN  SaltSize,
IN UINTN  InfoSize,
OUT UINT8 *  Out,
IN UINTN  OutSize 

Derive key data using HMAC-SHA256 based KDF.

[in]KeyPointer to the user-supplied key.
[in]KeySizeKey size in bytes.
[in]SaltPointer to the salt(non-secret) value.
[in]SaltSizeSalt size in bytes.
[in]InfoPointer to the application specific info.
[in]InfoSizeInfo size in bytes.
[out]OutPointer to buffer to receive hkdf value.
[in]OutSizeSize of hkdf bytes to generate.
Return values
TRUEHkdf generated successfully.
FALSEHkdf generation failed.
BOOLEAN EFIAPI HmacSha256Duplicate ( IN CONST VOID *  HmacSha256Context,
OUT VOID *  NewHmacSha256Context 

Makes a copy of an existing HMAC-SHA256 context.

If HmacSha256Context is NULL, then return FALSE. If NewHmacSha256Context is NULL, then return FALSE. If this interface is not supported, then return FALSE.

[in]HmacSha256ContextPointer to HMAC-SHA256 context being copied.
[out]NewHmacSha256ContextPointer to new HMAC-SHA256 context.
Return values
TRUEHMAC-SHA256 context copy succeeded.
FALSEHMAC-SHA256 context copy failed.
FALSEThis interface is not supported.
BOOLEAN EFIAPI HmacSha256Final ( IN OUT VOID *  HmacSha256Context,
OUT UINT8 *  HmacValue 

Completes computation of the HMAC-SHA256 digest value.

This function completes HMAC-SHA256 hash computation and retrieves the digest value into the specified memory. After this function has been called, the HMAC-SHA256 context cannot be used again. HMAC-SHA256 context should be initialized by HmacSha256New(), and should not be finalized by HmacSha256Final(). Behavior with invalid HMAC-SHA256 context is undefined.

If HmacSha256Context is NULL, then return FALSE. If HmacValue is NULL, then return FALSE. If this interface is not supported, then return FALSE.

[in,out]HmacSha256ContextPointer to the HMAC-SHA256 context.
[out]HmacValuePointer to a buffer that receives the HMAC-SHA256 digest value (32 bytes).
Return values
TRUEHMAC-SHA256 digest computation succeeded.
FALSEHMAC-SHA256 digest computation failed.
FALSEThis interface is not supported.
VOID EFIAPI HmacSha256Free ( IN VOID *  HmacSha256Ctx)

Release the specified HMAC_CTX context.

[in]HmacSha256CtxPointer to the HMAC_CTX context to be released.
VOID* EFIAPI HmacSha256New ( VOID  )

Allocates and initializes one HMAC_CTX context for subsequent HMAC-SHA256 use.

Pointer to the HMAC_CTX context that has been initialized. If the allocations fails, HmacSha256New() returns NULL.
BOOLEAN EFIAPI HmacSha256SetKey ( OUT VOID *  HmacSha256Context,
IN UINTN  KeySize 

Set user-supplied key for subsequent use. It must be done before any calling to HmacSha256Update().

If HmacSha256Context is NULL, then return FALSE. If this interface is not supported, then return FALSE.

[out]HmacSha256ContextPointer to HMAC-SHA256 context.
[in]KeyPointer to the user-supplied key.
[in]KeySizeKey size in bytes.
Return values
TRUEThe Key is set successfully.
FALSEThe Key is set unsuccessfully.
FALSEThis interface is not supported.
BOOLEAN EFIAPI HmacSha256Update ( IN OUT VOID *  HmacSha256Context,
IN UINTN  DataSize 

Digests the input data and updates HMAC-SHA256 context.

This function performs HMAC-SHA256 digest on a data buffer of the specified size. It can be called multiple times to compute the digest of long or discontinuous data streams. HMAC-SHA256 context should be initialized by HmacSha256New(), and should not be finalized by HmacSha256Final(). Behavior with invalid context is undefined.

If HmacSha256Context is NULL, then return FALSE. If this interface is not supported, then return FALSE.

[in,out]HmacSha256ContextPointer to the HMAC-SHA256 context.
[in]DataPointer to the buffer containing the data to be digested.
[in]DataSizeSize of Data buffer in bytes.
Return values
TRUEHMAC-SHA256 data digest succeeded.
FALSEHMAC-SHA256 data digest failed.
FALSEThis interface is not supported.
BOOLEAN EFIAPI ImageTimestampVerify ( IN CONST UINT8 *  AuthData,
IN UINTN  DataSize,
IN CONST UINT8 *  TsaCert,
IN UINTN  CertSize,
OUT EFI_TIME *  SigningTime 

Verifies the validity of a RFC3161 Timestamp CounterSignature embedded in PE/COFF Authenticode signature.

If AuthData is NULL, then return FALSE. If this interface is not supported, then return FALSE.

[in]AuthDataPointer to the Authenticode Signature retrieved from signed PE/COFF image to be verified.
[in]DataSizeSize of the Authenticode Signature in bytes.
[in]TsaCertPointer to a trusted/root TSA certificate encoded in DER, which is used for TSA certificate chain verification.
[in]CertSizeSize of the trusted certificate in bytes.
[out]SigningTimeReturn the time of timestamp generation time if the timestamp signature is valid.
Return values
TRUEThe specified Authenticode includes a valid RFC3161 Timestamp CounterSignature.
FALSENo valid RFC3161 Timestamp CounterSignature in the specified Authenticode data.
BOOLEAN EFIAPI Pkcs1v2Encrypt ( IN CONST UINT8 *  PublicKey,
IN UINTN  PublicKeySize,
IN UINT8 *  InData,
IN UINTN  InDataSize,
IN CONST UINT8 *  PrngSeed,
IN UINTN  PrngSeedSize,
OUT UINT8 **  EncryptedData,
OUT UINTN *  EncryptedDataSize 

Encrypts a blob using PKCS1v2 (RSAES-OAEP) schema. On success, will return the encrypted message in a newly allocated buffer.

Things that can cause a failure include:

  • X509 key size does not match any known key size.
  • Fail to parse X509 certificate.
  • Fail to allocate an intermediate buffer.
  • Null pointer provided for a non-optional parameter.
  • Data size is too large for the provided key size (max size is a function of key size and hash digest size).
[in]PublicKeyA pointer to the DER-encoded X509 certificate that will be used to encrypt the data.
[in]PublicKeySizeSize of the X509 cert buffer.
[in]InDataData to be encrypted.
[in]InDataSizeSize of the data buffer.
[in]PrngSeed[Optional] If provided, a pointer to a random seed buffer to be used when initializing the PRNG. NULL otherwise.
[in]PrngSeedSize[Optional] If provided, size of the random seed buffer. 0 otherwise.
[out]EncryptedDataPointer to an allocated buffer containing the encrypted message.
[out]EncryptedDataSizeSize of the encrypted message buffer.
Return values
TRUEEncryption was successful.
FALSEEncryption failed.
BOOLEAN EFIAPI Pkcs5HashPassword ( IN UINTN  PasswordLength,
IN CONST CHAR8 *  Password,
IN UINTN  SaltLength,
IN UINTN  IterationCount,
IN UINTN  DigestSize,
IN UINTN  KeyLength,
OUT UINT8 *  OutKey 

Derives a key from a password using a salt and iteration count, based on PKCS#5 v2.0 password based encryption key derivation function PBKDF2, as specified in RFC 2898.

If Password or Salt or OutKey is NULL, then return FALSE. If the hash algorithm could not be determined, then return FALSE. If this interface is not supported, then return FALSE.

[in]PasswordLengthLength of input password in bytes.
[in]PasswordPointer to the array for the password.
[in]SaltLengthSize of the Salt in bytes.
[in]SaltPointer to the Salt.
[in]IterationCountNumber of iterations to perform. Its value should be greater than or equal to 1.
[in]DigestSizeSize of the message digest to be used (eg. SHA256_DIGEST_SIZE). NOTE: DigestSize will be used to determine the hash algorithm. Only SHA1_DIGEST_SIZE or SHA256_DIGEST_SIZE is supported.
[in]KeyLengthSize of the derived key buffer in bytes.
[out]OutKeyPointer to the output derived key buffer.
Return values
TRUEA key was derived successfully.
FALSEOne of the pointers was NULL or one of the sizes was too large.
FALSEThe hash algorithm could not be determined from the digest size.
FALSEThe key derivation operation failed.
FALSEThis interface is not supported.
VOID EFIAPI Pkcs7FreeSigners ( IN UINT8 *  Certs)

Wrap function to use free() to free allocated memory for certificates.

If this interface is not supported, then ASSERT().

[in]CertsPointer to the certificates to be freed.
BOOLEAN EFIAPI Pkcs7GetAttachedContent ( IN CONST UINT8 *  P7Data,
IN UINTN  P7Length,
OUT VOID **  Content,
OUT UINTN *  ContentSize 

Extracts the attached content from a PKCS#7 signed data if existed. The input signed data could be wrapped in a ContentInfo structure.

If P7Data, Content, or ContentSize is NULL, then return FALSE. If P7Length overflow, then return FALSE. If the P7Data is not correctly formatted, then return FALSE.

Caution: This function may receive untrusted input. So this function will do basic check for PKCS#7 data structure.

[in]P7DataPointer to the PKCS#7 signed data to process.
[in]P7LengthLength of the PKCS#7 signed data in bytes.
[out]ContentPointer to the extracted content from the PKCS#7 signedData. It's caller's responsibility to free the buffer with FreePool().
[out]ContentSizeThe size of the extracted content in bytes.
Return values
TRUEThe P7Data was correctly formatted for processing.
FALSEThe P7Data was not correctly formatted for processing.
BOOLEAN EFIAPI Pkcs7GetCertificatesList ( IN CONST UINT8 *  P7Data,
IN UINTN  P7Length,
OUT UINT8 **  SignerChainCerts,
OUT UINTN *  ChainLength,
OUT UINT8 **  UnchainCerts,
OUT UINTN *  UnchainLength 

Retrieves all embedded certificates from PKCS#7 signed data as described in "PKCS #7: Cryptographic Message Syntax Standard", and outputs two certificate lists chained and unchained to the signer's certificates. The input signed data could be wrapped in a ContentInfo structure.

[in]P7DataPointer to the PKCS#7 message.
[in]P7LengthLength of the PKCS#7 message in bytes.
[out]SignerChainCertsPointer to the certificates list chained to signer's certificate. It's caller's responsibility to free the buffer with Pkcs7FreeSigners(). This data structure is EFI_CERT_STACK type.
[out]ChainLengthLength of the chained certificates list buffer in bytes.
[out]UnchainCertsPointer to the unchained certificates lists. It's caller's responsibility to free the buffer with Pkcs7FreeSigners(). This data structure is EFI_CERT_STACK type.
[out]UnchainLengthLength of the unchained certificates list buffer in bytes.
Return values
TRUEThe operation is finished successfully.
FALSEError occurs during the operation.
BOOLEAN EFIAPI Pkcs7GetSigners ( IN CONST UINT8 *  P7Data,
IN UINTN  P7Length,
OUT UINT8 **  CertStack,
OUT UINTN *  StackLength,
OUT UINT8 **  TrustedCert,
OUT UINTN *  CertLength 

Get the signer's certificates from PKCS#7 signed data as described in "PKCS #7: Cryptographic Message Syntax Standard". The input signed data could be wrapped in a ContentInfo structure.

If P7Data, CertStack, StackLength, TrustedCert or CertLength is NULL, then return FALSE. If P7Length overflow, then return FALSE. If this interface is not supported, then return FALSE.

[in]P7DataPointer to the PKCS#7 message to verify.
[in]P7LengthLength of the PKCS#7 message in bytes.
[out]CertStackPointer to Signer's certificates retrieved from P7Data. It's caller's responsibility to free the buffer with Pkcs7FreeSigners(). This data structure is EFI_CERT_STACK type.
[out]StackLengthLength of signer's certificates in bytes.
[out]TrustedCertPointer to a trusted certificate from Signer's certificates. It's caller's responsibility to free the buffer with Pkcs7FreeSigners().
[out]CertLengthLength of the trusted certificate in bytes.
Return values
TRUEThe operation is finished successfully.
FALSEError occurs during the operation.
FALSEThis interface is not supported.
BOOLEAN EFIAPI Pkcs7Sign ( IN CONST UINT8 *  PrivateKey,
IN UINTN  PrivateKeySize,
IN CONST UINT8 *  KeyPassword,
IN UINT8 *  InData,
IN UINTN  InDataSize,
IN UINT8 *  SignCert,
IN UINT8 *  OtherCerts,
OUT UINT8 **  SignedData,
OUT UINTN *  SignedDataSize 

Creates a PKCS#7 signedData as described in "PKCS #7: Cryptographic Message Syntax Standard, version 1.5". This interface is only intended to be used for application to perform PKCS#7 functionality validation.

If this interface is not supported, then return FALSE.

[in]PrivateKeyPointer to the PEM-formatted private key data for data signing.
[in]PrivateKeySizeSize of the PEM private key data in bytes.
[in]KeyPasswordNULL-terminated passphrase used for encrypted PEM key data.
[in]InDataPointer to the content to be signed.
[in]InDataSizeSize of InData in bytes.
[in]SignCertPointer to signer's DER-encoded certificate to sign with.
[in]OtherCertsPointer to an optional additional set of certificates to include in the PKCS#7 signedData (e.g. any intermediate CAs in the chain).
[out]SignedDataPointer to output PKCS#7 signedData. It's caller's responsibility to free the buffer with FreePool().
[out]SignedDataSizeSize of SignedData in bytes.
Return values
TRUEPKCS#7 data signing succeeded.
FALSEPKCS#7 data signing failed.
FALSEThis interface is not supported.
IN UINTN  P7Length,
IN CONST UINT8 *  TrustedCert,
IN UINTN  CertLength,
IN UINTN  DataLength 

Verifies the validity of a PKCS#7 signed data as described in "PKCS #7: Cryptographic Message Syntax Standard". The input signed data could be wrapped in a ContentInfo structure.

If P7Data, TrustedCert or InData is NULL, then return FALSE. If P7Length, CertLength or DataLength overflow, then return FALSE. If this interface is not supported, then return FALSE.

[in]P7DataPointer to the PKCS#7 message to verify.
[in]P7LengthLength of the PKCS#7 message in bytes.
[in]TrustedCertPointer to a trusted/root certificate encoded in DER, which is used for certificate chain verification.
[in]CertLengthLength of the trusted certificate in bytes.
[in]InDataPointer to the content to be verified.
[in]DataLengthLength of InData in bytes.
Return values
TRUEThe specified PKCS#7 signed data is valid.
FALSEInvalid PKCS#7 signed data.
FALSEThis interface is not supported.
BOOLEAN EFIAPI RandomBytes ( OUT UINT8 *  Output,

Generates a pseudorandom byte stream of the specified size.

If Output is NULL, then return FALSE. If this interface is not supported, then return FALSE.

[out]OutputPointer to buffer to receive random value.
[in]SizeSize of random bytes to generate.
Return values
TRUEPseudorandom byte stream generated successfully.
FALSEPseudorandom number generator fails to generate due to lack of entropy.
FALSEThis interface is not supported.
IN UINTN  SeedSize 

Sets up the seed value for the pseudorandom number generator.

This function sets up the seed value for the pseudorandom number generator. If Seed is not NULL, then the seed passed in is used. If Seed is NULL, then default seed is used. If this interface is not supported, then return FALSE.

[in]SeedPointer to seed value. If NULL, default seed is used.
[in]SeedSizeSize of seed value. If Seed is NULL, this parameter is ignored.
Return values
TRUEPseudorandom number generator has enough entropy for random generation.
FALSEPseudorandom number generator does not have enough entropy for random generation.
FALSEThis interface is not supported.
BOOLEAN EFIAPI RsaCheckKey ( IN VOID *  RsaContext)

Validates key components of RSA context. NOTE: This function performs integrity checks on all the RSA key material, so the RSA key structure must contain all the private key data.

This function validates key components of RSA context in following aspects:

  • Whether p is a prime
  • Whether q is a prime
  • Whether n = p * q
  • Whether d*e = 1 mod lcm(p-1,q-1)

If RsaContext is NULL, then return FALSE. If this interface is not supported, then return FALSE.

[in]RsaContextPointer to RSA context to check.
Return values
TRUERSA key components are valid.
FALSERSA key components are not valid.
FALSEThis interface is not supported.
VOID EFIAPI RsaFree ( IN VOID *  RsaContext)

Release the specified RSA context.

If RsaContext is NULL, then return FALSE.

[in]RsaContextPointer to the RSA context to be released.
BOOLEAN EFIAPI RsaGenerateKey ( IN OUT VOID *  RsaContext,
IN UINTN  ModulusLength,
IN CONST UINT8 *  PublicExponent,
IN UINTN  PublicExponentSize 

Generates RSA key components.

This function generates RSA key components. It takes RSA public exponent E and length in bits of RSA modulus N as input, and generates all key components. If PublicExponent is NULL, the default RSA public exponent (0x10001) will be used.

Before this function can be invoked, pseudorandom number generator must be correctly initialized by RandomSeed().

If RsaContext is NULL, then return FALSE. If this interface is not supported, then return FALSE.

[in,out]RsaContextPointer to RSA context being set.
[in]ModulusLengthLength of RSA modulus N in bits.
[in]PublicExponentPointer to RSA public exponent.
[in]PublicExponentSizeSize of RSA public exponent buffer in bytes.
Return values
TRUERSA key component was generated successfully.
FALSEInvalid RSA key component tag.
FALSEThis interface is not supported.
OUT UINT8 *  BigNumber,

Gets the tag-designated RSA key component from the established RSA context.

This function retrieves the tag-designated RSA key component from the established RSA context as a non-negative integer (octet string format represented in RSA PKCS#1). If specified key component has not been set or has been cleared, then returned BnSize is set to 0. If the BigNumber buffer is too small to hold the contents of the key, FALSE is returned and BnSize is set to the required buffer size to obtain the key.

If RsaContext is NULL, then return FALSE. If BnSize is NULL, then return FALSE. If BnSize is large enough but BigNumber is NULL, then return FALSE. If this interface is not supported, then return FALSE.

[in,out]RsaContextPointer to RSA context being set.
[in]KeyTagTag of RSA key component being set.
[out]BigNumberPointer to octet integer buffer.
[in,out]BnSizeOn input, the size of big number buffer in bytes. On output, the size of data returned in big number buffer in bytes.
Return values
TRUERSA key component was retrieved successfully.
FALSEInvalid RSA key component tag.
FALSEBnSize is too small.
FALSEThis interface is not supported.
BOOLEAN EFIAPI RsaGetPrivateKeyFromPem ( IN CONST UINT8 *  PemData,
IN UINTN  PemSize,
IN CONST CHAR8 *  Password,
OUT VOID **  RsaContext 

Retrieve the RSA Private Key from the password-protected PEM key data.

If PemData is NULL, then return FALSE. If RsaContext is NULL, then return FALSE. If this interface is not supported, then return FALSE.

[in]PemDataPointer to the PEM-encoded key data to be retrieved.
[in]PemSizeSize of the PEM key data in bytes.
[in]PasswordNULL-terminated passphrase used for encrypted PEM key data.
[out]RsaContextPointer to new-generated RSA context which contain the retrieved RSA private key component. Use RsaFree() function to free the resource.
Return values
TRUERSA Private Key was retrieved successfully.
FALSEInvalid PEM key data or incorrect password.
FALSEThis interface is not supported.
BOOLEAN EFIAPI RsaGetPublicKeyFromX509 ( IN CONST UINT8 *  Cert,
IN UINTN  CertSize,
OUT VOID **  RsaContext 

Retrieve the RSA Public Key from one DER-encoded X509 certificate.

If Cert is NULL, then return FALSE. If RsaContext is NULL, then return FALSE. If this interface is not supported, then return FALSE.

[in]CertPointer to the DER-encoded X509 certificate.
[in]CertSizeSize of the X509 certificate in bytes.
[out]RsaContextPointer to new-generated RSA context which contain the retrieved RSA public key component. Use RsaFree() function to free the resource.
Return values
TRUERSA Public Key was retrieved successfully.
FALSEFail to retrieve RSA public key from X509 certificate.
FALSEThis interface is not supported.

Allocates and initializes one RSA context for subsequent use.

Pointer to the RSA context that has been initialized. If the allocations fails, RsaNew() returns NULL.
BOOLEAN EFIAPI RsaPkcs1Sign ( IN VOID *  RsaContext,
IN CONST UINT8 *  MessageHash,
IN UINTN  HashSize,
OUT UINT8 *  Signature,
IN OUT UINTN *  SigSize 

Carries out the RSA-SSA signature generation with EMSA-PKCS1-v1_5 encoding scheme.

This function carries out the RSA-SSA signature generation with EMSA-PKCS1-v1_5 encoding scheme defined in RSA PKCS#1. If the Signature buffer is too small to hold the contents of signature, FALSE is returned and SigSize is set to the required buffer size to obtain the signature.

If RsaContext is NULL, then return FALSE. If MessageHash is NULL, then return FALSE. If HashSize is not equal to the size of MD5, SHA-1 or SHA-256 digest, then return FALSE. If SigSize is large enough but Signature is NULL, then return FALSE. If this interface is not supported, then return FALSE.

[in]RsaContextPointer to RSA context for signature generation.
[in]MessageHashPointer to octet message hash to be signed.
[in]HashSizeSize of the message hash in bytes.
[out]SignaturePointer to buffer to receive RSA PKCS1-v1_5 signature.
[in,out]SigSizeOn input, the size of Signature buffer in bytes. On output, the size of data returned in Signature buffer in bytes.
Return values
TRUESignature successfully generated in PKCS1-v1_5.
FALSESignature generation failed.
FALSESigSize is too small.
FALSEThis interface is not supported.
BOOLEAN EFIAPI RsaPkcs1Verify ( IN VOID *  RsaContext,
IN CONST UINT8 *  MessageHash,
IN UINTN  HashSize,
IN CONST UINT8 *  Signature,
IN UINTN  SigSize 

Verifies the RSA-SSA signature with EMSA-PKCS1-v1_5 encoding scheme defined in RSA PKCS#1.

If RsaContext is NULL, then return FALSE. If MessageHash is NULL, then return FALSE. If Signature is NULL, then return FALSE. If HashSize is not equal to the size of MD5, SHA-1, SHA-256 digest, then return FALSE.

[in]RsaContextPointer to RSA context for signature verification.
[in]MessageHashPointer to octet message hash to be checked.
[in]HashSizeSize of the message hash in bytes.
[in]SignaturePointer to RSA PKCS1-v1_5 signature to be verified.
[in]SigSizeSize of signature in bytes.
Return values
TRUEValid signature encoded in PKCS1-v1_5.
FALSEInvalid signature or invalid RSA context.
BOOLEAN EFIAPI RsaPssSign ( IN VOID *  RsaContext,
IN CONST UINT8 *  Message,
IN UINTN  MsgSize,
IN UINT16  DigestLen,
IN UINT16  SaltLen,
OUT UINT8 *  Signature,
IN OUT UINTN *  SigSize 

Carries out the RSA-SSA signature generation with EMSA-PSS encoding scheme.

This function carries out the RSA-SSA signature generation with EMSA-PSS encoding scheme defined in RFC 8017. Mask generation function is the same as the message digest algorithm. If the Signature buffer is too small to hold the contents of signature, FALSE is returned and SigSize is set to the required buffer size to obtain the signature.

If RsaContext is NULL, then return FALSE. If Message is NULL, then return FALSE. If MsgSize is zero or > INT_MAX, then return FALSE. If DigestLen is NOT 32, 48 or 64, return FALSE. If SaltLen is not equal to DigestLen, then return FALSE. If SigSize is large enough but Signature is NULL, then return FALSE. If this interface is not supported, then return FALSE.

[in]RsaContextPointer to RSA context for signature generation.
[in]MessagePointer to octet message to be signed.
[in]MsgSizeSize of the message in bytes.
[in]DigestLenLength of the digest in bytes to be used for RSA signature operation.
[in]SaltLenLength of the salt in bytes to be used for PSS encoding.
[out]SignaturePointer to buffer to receive RSA PSS signature.
[in,out]SigSizeOn input, the size of Signature buffer in bytes. On output, the size of data returned in Signature buffer in bytes.
Return values
TRUESignature successfully generated in RSASSA-PSS.
FALSESignature generation failed.
FALSESigSize is too small.
FALSEThis interface is not supported.
BOOLEAN EFIAPI RsaPssVerify ( IN VOID *  RsaContext,
IN CONST UINT8 *  Message,
IN UINTN  MsgSize,
IN CONST UINT8 *  Signature,
IN UINTN  SigSize,
IN UINT16  DigestLen,
IN UINT16  SaltLen 

Verifies the RSA signature with RSASSA-PSS signature scheme defined in RFC 8017. Implementation determines salt length automatically from the signature encoding. Mask generation function is the same as the message digest algorithm. Salt length should be equal to digest length.

[in]RsaContextPointer to RSA context for signature verification.
[in]MessagePointer to octet message to be verified.
[in]MsgSizeSize of the message in bytes.
[in]SignaturePointer to RSASSA-PSS signature to be verified.
[in]SigSizeSize of signature in bytes.
[in]DigestLenLength of digest for RSA operation.
[in]SaltLenSalt length for PSS encoding.
Return values
TRUEValid signature encoded in RSASSA-PSS.
FALSEInvalid signature or invalid RSA context.
IN CONST UINT8 *  BigNumber,

Sets the tag-designated key component into the established RSA context.

This function sets the tag-designated RSA key component into the established RSA context from the user-specified non-negative integer (octet string format represented in RSA PKCS#1). If BigNumber is NULL, then the specified key component in RSA context is cleared.

If RsaContext is NULL, then return FALSE.

[in,out]RsaContextPointer to RSA context being set.
[in]KeyTagTag of RSA key component being set.
[in]BigNumberPointer to octet integer buffer. If NULL, then the specified key component in RSA context is cleared.
[in]BnSizeSize of big number buffer in bytes. If BigNumber is NULL, then it is ignored.
Return values
TRUERSA key component was set successfully.
FALSEInvalid RSA key component tag.
BOOLEAN EFIAPI Sha1Duplicate ( IN CONST VOID *  Sha1Context,
OUT VOID *  NewSha1Context 

Makes a copy of an existing SHA-1 context.

If Sha1Context is NULL, then return FALSE. If NewSha1Context is NULL, then return FALSE. If this interface is not supported, then return FALSE.

[in]Sha1ContextPointer to SHA-1 context being copied.
[out]NewSha1ContextPointer to new SHA-1 context.
Return values
TRUESHA-1 context copy succeeded.
FALSESHA-1 context copy failed.
FALSEThis interface is not supported.
BOOLEAN EFIAPI Sha1Final ( IN OUT VOID *  Sha1Context,
OUT UINT8 *  HashValue 

Completes computation of the SHA-1 digest value.

This function completes SHA-1 hash computation and retrieves the digest value into the specified memory. After this function has been called, the SHA-1 context cannot be used again. SHA-1 context should be already correctly initialized by Sha1Init(), and should not be finalized by Sha1Final(). Behavior with invalid SHA-1 context is undefined.

If Sha1Context is NULL, then return FALSE. If HashValue is NULL, then return FALSE. If this interface is not supported, then return FALSE.

[in,out]Sha1ContextPointer to the SHA-1 context.
[out]HashValuePointer to a buffer that receives the SHA-1 digest value (20 bytes).
Return values
TRUESHA-1 digest computation succeeded.
FALSESHA-1 digest computation failed.
FALSEThis interface is not supported.
UINTN EFIAPI Sha1GetContextSize ( VOID  )

Retrieves the size, in bytes, of the context buffer required for SHA-1 hash operations.

If this interface is not supported, then return zero.

The size, in bytes, of the context buffer required for SHA-1 hash operations.
Return values
0This interface is not supported.
IN UINTN  DataSize,
OUT UINT8 *  HashValue 

Computes the SHA-1 message digest of a input data buffer.

This function performs the SHA-1 message digest of a given data buffer, and places the digest value into the specified memory.

If this interface is not supported, then return FALSE.

[in]DataPointer to the buffer containing the data to be hashed.
[in]DataSizeSize of Data buffer in bytes.
[out]HashValuePointer to a buffer that receives the SHA-1 digest value (20 bytes).
Return values
TRUESHA-1 digest computation succeeded.
FALSESHA-1 digest computation failed.
FALSEThis interface is not supported.
BOOLEAN EFIAPI Sha1Init ( OUT VOID *  Sha1Context)

Initializes user-supplied memory pointed by Sha1Context as SHA-1 hash context for subsequent use.

If Sha1Context is NULL, then return FALSE. If this interface is not supported, then return FALSE.

[out]Sha1ContextPointer to SHA-1 context being initialized.
Return values
TRUESHA-1 context initialization succeeded.
FALSESHA-1 context initialization failed.
FALSEThis interface is not supported.
BOOLEAN EFIAPI Sha1Update ( IN OUT VOID *  Sha1Context,
IN UINTN  DataSize 

Digests the input data and updates SHA-1 context.

This function performs SHA-1 digest on a data buffer of the specified size. It can be called multiple times to compute the digest of long or discontinuous data streams. SHA-1 context should be already correctly initialized by Sha1Init(), and should not be finalized by Sha1Final(). Behavior with invalid context is undefined.

If Sha1Context is NULL, then return FALSE. If this interface is not supported, then return FALSE.

[in,out]Sha1ContextPointer to the SHA-1 context.
[in]DataPointer to the buffer containing the data to be hashed.
[in]DataSizeSize of Data buffer in bytes.
Return values
TRUESHA-1 data digest succeeded.
FALSESHA-1 data digest failed.
FALSEThis interface is not supported.
BOOLEAN EFIAPI Sha256Duplicate ( IN CONST VOID *  Sha256Context,
OUT VOID *  NewSha256Context 

Makes a copy of an existing SHA-256 context.

If Sha256Context is NULL, then return FALSE. If NewSha256Context is NULL, then return FALSE. If this interface is not supported, then return FALSE.

[in]Sha256ContextPointer to SHA-256 context being copied.
[out]NewSha256ContextPointer to new SHA-256 context.
Return values
TRUESHA-256 context copy succeeded.
FALSESHA-256 context copy failed.
FALSEThis interface is not supported.
BOOLEAN EFIAPI Sha256Final ( IN OUT VOID *  Sha256Context,
OUT UINT8 *  HashValue 

Completes computation of the SHA-256 digest value.

This function completes SHA-256 hash computation and retrieves the digest value into the specified memory. After this function has been called, the SHA-256 context cannot be used again. SHA-256 context should be already correctly initialized by Sha256Init(), and should not be finalized by Sha256Final(). Behavior with invalid SHA-256 context is undefined.

If Sha256Context is NULL, then return FALSE. If HashValue is NULL, then return FALSE.

[in,out]Sha256ContextPointer to the SHA-256 context.
[out]HashValuePointer to a buffer that receives the SHA-256 digest value (32 bytes).
Return values
TRUESHA-256 digest computation succeeded.
FALSESHA-256 digest computation failed.
UINTN EFIAPI Sha256GetContextSize ( VOID  )

Retrieves the size, in bytes, of the context buffer required for SHA-256 hash operations.

The size, in bytes, of the context buffer required for SHA-256 hash operations.
IN UINTN  DataSize,
OUT UINT8 *  HashValue 

Computes the SHA-256 message digest of a input data buffer.

This function performs the SHA-256 message digest of a given data buffer, and places the digest value into the specified memory.

If this interface is not supported, then return FALSE.

[in]DataPointer to the buffer containing the data to be hashed.
[in]DataSizeSize of Data buffer in bytes.
[out]HashValuePointer to a buffer that receives the SHA-256 digest value (32 bytes).
Return values
TRUESHA-256 digest computation succeeded.
FALSESHA-256 digest computation failed.
FALSEThis interface is not supported.
BOOLEAN EFIAPI Sha256Init ( OUT VOID *  Sha256Context)

Initializes user-supplied memory pointed by Sha256Context as SHA-256 hash context for subsequent use.

If Sha256Context is NULL, then return FALSE.

[out]Sha256ContextPointer to SHA-256 context being initialized.
Return values
TRUESHA-256 context initialization succeeded.
FALSESHA-256 context initialization failed.
BOOLEAN EFIAPI Sha256Update ( IN OUT VOID *  Sha256Context,
IN UINTN  DataSize 

Digests the input data and updates SHA-256 context.

This function performs SHA-256 digest on a data buffer of the specified size. It can be called multiple times to compute the digest of long or discontinuous data streams. SHA-256 context should be already correctly initialized by Sha256Init(), and should not be finalized by Sha256Final(). Behavior with invalid context is undefined.

If Sha256Context is NULL, then return FALSE.

[in,out]Sha256ContextPointer to the SHA-256 context.
[in]DataPointer to the buffer containing the data to be hashed.
[in]DataSizeSize of Data buffer in bytes.
Return values
TRUESHA-256 data digest succeeded.
FALSESHA-256 data digest failed.
BOOLEAN EFIAPI Sha384Duplicate ( IN CONST VOID *  Sha384Context,
OUT VOID *  NewSha384Context 

Makes a copy of an existing SHA-384 context.

If Sha384Context is NULL, then return FALSE. If NewSha384Context is NULL, then return FALSE. If this interface is not supported, then return FALSE.

[in]Sha384ContextPointer to SHA-384 context being copied.
[out]NewSha384ContextPointer to new SHA-384 context.
Return values
TRUESHA-384 context copy succeeded.
FALSESHA-384 context copy failed.
FALSEThis interface is not supported.
BOOLEAN EFIAPI Sha384Final ( IN OUT VOID *  Sha384Context,
OUT UINT8 *  HashValue 

Completes computation of the SHA-384 digest value.

This function completes SHA-384 hash computation and retrieves the digest value into the specified memory. After this function has been called, the SHA-384 context cannot be used again. SHA-384 context should be already correctly initialized by Sha384Init(), and should not be finalized by Sha384Final(). Behavior with invalid SHA-384 context is undefined.

If Sha384Context is NULL, then return FALSE. If HashValue is NULL, then return FALSE.

[in,out]Sha384ContextPointer to the SHA-384 context.
[out]HashValuePointer to a buffer that receives the SHA-384 digest value (48 bytes).
Return values
TRUESHA-384 digest computation succeeded.
FALSESHA-384 digest computation failed.
UINTN EFIAPI Sha384GetContextSize ( VOID  )

Retrieves the size, in bytes, of the context buffer required for SHA-384 hash operations.

The size, in bytes, of the context buffer required for SHA-384 hash operations.
IN UINTN  DataSize,
OUT UINT8 *  HashValue 

Computes the SHA-384 message digest of a input data buffer.

This function performs the SHA-384 message digest of a given data buffer, and places the digest value into the specified memory.

If this interface is not supported, then return FALSE.

[in]DataPointer to the buffer containing the data to be hashed.
[in]DataSizeSize of Data buffer in bytes.
[out]HashValuePointer to a buffer that receives the SHA-384 digest value (48 bytes).
Return values
TRUESHA-384 digest computation succeeded.
FALSESHA-384 digest computation failed.
FALSEThis interface is not supported.
BOOLEAN EFIAPI Sha384Init ( OUT VOID *  Sha384Context)

Initializes user-supplied memory pointed by Sha384Context as SHA-384 hash context for subsequent use.

If Sha384Context is NULL, then return FALSE.

[out]Sha384ContextPointer to SHA-384 context being initialized.
Return values
TRUESHA-384 context initialization succeeded.
FALSESHA-384 context initialization failed.
BOOLEAN EFIAPI Sha384Update ( IN OUT VOID *  Sha384Context,
IN UINTN  DataSize 

Digests the input data and updates SHA-384 context.

This function performs SHA-384 digest on a data buffer of the specified size. It can be called multiple times to compute the digest of long or discontinuous data streams. SHA-384 context should be already correctly initialized by Sha384Init(), and should not be finalized by Sha384Final(). Behavior with invalid context is undefined.

If Sha384Context is NULL, then return FALSE.

[in,out]Sha384ContextPointer to the SHA-384 context.
[in]DataPointer to the buffer containing the data to be hashed.
[in]DataSizeSize of Data buffer in bytes.
Return values
TRUESHA-384 data digest succeeded.
FALSESHA-384 data digest failed.
BOOLEAN EFIAPI Sha512Duplicate ( IN CONST VOID *  Sha512Context,
OUT VOID *  NewSha512Context 

Makes a copy of an existing SHA-512 context.

If Sha512Context is NULL, then return FALSE. If NewSha512Context is NULL, then return FALSE. If this interface is not supported, then return FALSE.

[in]Sha512ContextPointer to SHA-512 context being copied.
[out]NewSha512ContextPointer to new SHA-512 context.
Return values
TRUESHA-512 context copy succeeded.
FALSESHA-512 context copy failed.
FALSEThis interface is not supported.
BOOLEAN EFIAPI Sha512Final ( IN OUT VOID *  Sha512Context,
OUT UINT8 *  HashValue 

Completes computation of the SHA-512 digest value.

This function completes SHA-512 hash computation and retrieves the digest value into the specified memory. After this function has been called, the SHA-512 context cannot be used again. SHA-512 context should be already correctly initialized by Sha512Init(), and should not be finalized by Sha512Final(). Behavior with invalid SHA-512 context is undefined.

If Sha512Context is NULL, then return FALSE. If HashValue is NULL, then return FALSE.

[in,out]Sha512ContextPointer to the SHA-512 context.
[out]HashValuePointer to a buffer that receives the SHA-512 digest value (64 bytes).
Return values
TRUESHA-512 digest computation succeeded.
FALSESHA-512 digest computation failed.
UINTN EFIAPI Sha512GetContextSize ( VOID  )

Retrieves the size, in bytes, of the context buffer required for SHA-512 hash operations.

The size, in bytes, of the context buffer required for SHA-512 hash operations.
IN UINTN  DataSize,
OUT UINT8 *  HashValue 

Computes the SHA-512 message digest of a input data buffer.

This function performs the SHA-512 message digest of a given data buffer, and places the digest value into the specified memory.

If this interface is not supported, then return FALSE.

[in]DataPointer to the buffer containing the data to be hashed.
[in]DataSizeSize of Data buffer in bytes.
[out]HashValuePointer to a buffer that receives the SHA-512 digest value (64 bytes).
Return values
TRUESHA-512 digest computation succeeded.
FALSESHA-512 digest computation failed.
FALSEThis interface is not supported.
BOOLEAN EFIAPI Sha512Init ( OUT VOID *  Sha512Context)

Initializes user-supplied memory pointed by Sha512Context as SHA-512 hash context for subsequent use.

If Sha512Context is NULL, then return FALSE.

[out]Sha512ContextPointer to SHA-512 context being initialized.
Return values
TRUESHA-512 context initialization succeeded.
FALSESHA-512 context initialization failed.
BOOLEAN EFIAPI Sha512Update ( IN OUT VOID *  Sha512Context,
IN UINTN  DataSize 

Digests the input data and updates SHA-512 context.

This function performs SHA-512 digest on a data buffer of the specified size. It can be called multiple times to compute the digest of long or discontinuous data streams. SHA-512 context should be already correctly initialized by Sha512Init(), and should not be finalized by Sha512Final(). Behavior with invalid context is undefined.

If Sha512Context is NULL, then return FALSE.

[in,out]Sha512ContextPointer to the SHA-512 context.
[in]DataPointer to the buffer containing the data to be hashed.
[in]DataSizeSize of Data buffer in bytes.
Return values
TRUESHA-512 data digest succeeded.
FALSESHA-512 data digest failed.
BOOLEAN EFIAPI Sm3Duplicate ( IN CONST VOID *  Sm3Context,
OUT VOID *  NewSm3Context 

Makes a copy of an existing SM3 context.

If Sm3Context is NULL, then return FALSE. If NewSm3Context is NULL, then return FALSE. If this interface is not supported, then return FALSE.

[in]Sm3ContextPointer to SM3 context being copied.
[out]NewSm3ContextPointer to new SM3 context.
Return values
TRUESM3 context copy succeeded.
FALSESM3 context copy failed.
FALSEThis interface is not supported.
BOOLEAN EFIAPI Sm3Final ( IN OUT VOID *  Sm3Context,
OUT UINT8 *  HashValue 

Completes computation of the SM3 digest value.

This function completes SM3 hash computation and retrieves the digest value into the specified memory. After this function has been called, the SM3 context cannot be used again. SM3 context should be already correctly initialized by Sm3Init(), and should not be finalized by Sm3Final(). Behavior with invalid SM3 context is undefined.

If Sm3Context is NULL, then return FALSE. If HashValue is NULL, then return FALSE.

[in,out]Sm3ContextPointer to the SM3 context.
[out]HashValuePointer to a buffer that receives the SM3 digest value (32 bytes).
Return values
TRUESM3 digest computation succeeded.
FALSESM3 digest computation failed.
UINTN EFIAPI Sm3GetContextSize ( VOID  )

Retrieves the size, in bytes, of the context buffer required for SM3 hash operations.

The size, in bytes, of the context buffer required for SM3 hash operations.
IN UINTN  DataSize,
OUT UINT8 *  HashValue 

Computes the SM3 message digest of a input data buffer.

This function performs the SM3 message digest of a given data buffer, and places the digest value into the specified memory.

If this interface is not supported, then return FALSE.

[in]DataPointer to the buffer containing the data to be hashed.
[in]DataSizeSize of Data buffer in bytes.
[out]HashValuePointer to a buffer that receives the SM3 digest value (32 bytes).
Return values
TRUESM3 digest computation succeeded.
FALSESM3 digest computation failed.
FALSEThis interface is not supported.
BOOLEAN EFIAPI Sm3Init ( OUT VOID *  Sm3Context)

Initializes user-supplied memory pointed by Sm3Context as SM3 hash context for subsequent use.

If Sm3Context is NULL, then return FALSE.

[out]Sm3ContextPointer to SM3 context being initialized.
Return values
TRUESM3 context initialization succeeded.
FALSESM3 context initialization failed.
BOOLEAN EFIAPI Sm3Update ( IN OUT VOID *  Sm3Context,
IN UINTN  DataSize 

Digests the input data and updates SM3 context.

This function performs SM3 digest on a data buffer of the specified size. It can be called multiple times to compute the digest of long or discontinuous data streams. SM3 context should be already correctly initialized by Sm3Init(), and should not be finalized by Sm3Final(). Behavior with invalid context is undefined.

If Sm3Context is NULL, then return FALSE.

[in,out]Sm3ContextPointer to the SM3 context.
[in]DataPointer to the buffer containing the data to be hashed.
[in]DataSizeSize of Data buffer in bytes.
Return values
TRUESM3 data digest succeeded.
FALSESM3 data digest failed.
RETURN_STATUS EFIAPI VerifyEKUsInPkcs7Signature ( IN CONST UINT8 *  Pkcs7Signature,
IN CONST UINT32  SignatureSize,
IN CONST CHAR8 *  RequiredEKUs[],
IN CONST UINT32  RequiredEKUsSize,
IN BOOLEAN  RequireAllPresent 

This function receives a PKCS7 formatted signature, and then verifies that the specified Enhanced or Extended Key Usages (EKU's) are present in the end-entity leaf signing certificate. Note that this function does not validate the certificate chain.

Applications for custom EKU's are quite flexible. For example, a policy EKU may be present in an Issuing Certificate Authority (CA), and any sub-ordinate certificate issued might also contain this EKU, thus constraining the sub-ordinate certificate. Other applications might allow a certificate embedded in a device to specify that other Object Identifiers (OIDs) are present which contains binary data specifying custom capabilities that the device is able to do.

[in]Pkcs7SignatureThe PKCS#7 signed information content block. An array containing the content block with both the signature, the signer's certificate, and any necessary intermediate certificates.
[in]Pkcs7SignatureSizeNumber of bytes in Pkcs7Signature.
[in]RequiredEKUsArray of null-terminated strings listing OIDs of required EKUs that must be present in the signature.
[in]RequiredEKUsSizeNumber of elements in the RequiredEKUs string array.
[in]RequireAllPresentIf this is TRUE, then all of the specified EKU's must be present in the leaf signer. If it is FALSE, then we will succeed if we find any of the specified EKU's.
Return values
EFI_SUCCESSThe required EKUs were found in the signature.
EFI_INVALID_PARAMETERA parameter was invalid.
EFI_NOT_FOUNDOne or more EKU's were not found in the signature.
BOOLEAN EFIAPI X509ConstructCertificate ( IN CONST UINT8 *  Cert,
IN UINTN  CertSize,
OUT UINT8 **  SingleX509Cert 

Construct a X509 object from DER-encoded certificate data.

If Cert is NULL, then return FALSE. If SingleX509Cert is NULL, then return FALSE. If this interface is not supported, then return FALSE.

[in]CertPointer to the DER-encoded certificate data.
[in]CertSizeThe size of certificate data in bytes.
[out]SingleX509CertThe generated X509 object.
Return values
TRUEThe X509 object generation succeeded.
FALSEThe operation failed.
FALSEThis interface is not supported.
BOOLEAN EFIAPI X509ConstructCertificateStack ( IN OUT UINT8 **  X509Stack,

Construct a X509 stack object from a list of DER-encoded certificate data.

If X509Stack is NULL, then return FALSE. If this interface is not supported, then return FALSE.

[in,out]X509StackOn input, pointer to an existing or NULL X509 stack object. On output, pointer to the X509 stack object with new inserted X509 certificate.
...A list of DER-encoded single certificate data followed by certificate size. A NULL terminates the list. The pairs are the arguments to X509ConstructCertificate().
Return values
TRUEThe X509 stack construction succeeded.
FALSEThe construction operation failed.
FALSEThis interface is not supported.
BOOLEAN EFIAPI X509ConstructCertificateStackV ( IN OUT UINT8 **  X509Stack,

Construct a X509 stack object from a list of DER-encoded certificate data.

If X509Stack is NULL, then return FALSE. If this interface is not supported, then return FALSE.

[in,out]X509StackOn input, pointer to an existing or NULL X509 stack object. On output, pointer to the X509 stack object with new inserted X509 certificate.
[in]ArgsVA_LIST marker for the variable argument list. A list of DER-encoded single certificate data followed by certificate size. A NULL terminates the list. The pairs are the arguments to X509ConstructCertificate().
Return values
TRUEThe X509 stack construction succeeded.
FALSEThe construction operation failed.
FALSEThis interface is not supported.
VOID EFIAPI X509Free ( IN VOID *  X509Cert)

Release the specified X509 object.

If the interface is not supported, then ASSERT().

[in]X509CertPointer to the X509 object to be released.
IN UINTN  CertSize,
OUT CHAR8 *  CommonName,
IN OUT UINTN *  CommonNameSize 

Retrieve the common name (CN) string from one X.509 certificate.

[in]CertPointer to the DER-encoded X509 certificate.
[in]CertSizeSize of the X509 certificate in bytes.
[out]CommonNameBuffer to contain the retrieved certificate common name string (UTF8). At most CommonNameSize bytes will be written and the string will be null terminated. May be NULL in order to determine the size buffer needed.
[in,out]CommonNameSizeThe size in bytes of the CommonName buffer on input, and the size of buffer returned CommonName on output. If CommonName is NULL then the amount of space needed in buffer (including the final null) is returned.
Return values
RETURN_SUCCESSThe certificate CommonName retrieved successfully.
RETURN_INVALID_PARAMETERIf Cert is NULL. If CommonNameSize is NULL. If CommonName is not NULL and *CommonNameSize is 0. If Certificate is invalid.
RETURN_NOT_FOUNDIf no CommonName entry exists.
RETURN_BUFFER_TOO_SMALLIf the CommonName is NULL. The required buffer size (including the final null) is returned in the CommonNameSize parameter.
RETURN_UNSUPPORTEDThe operation is not supported.
RETURN_STATUS EFIAPI X509GetOrganizationName ( IN CONST UINT8 *  Cert,
IN UINTN  CertSize,
OUT CHAR8 *  NameBuffer,
IN OUT UINTN *  NameBufferSize 

Retrieve the organization name (O) string from one X.509 certificate.

[in]CertPointer to the DER-encoded X509 certificate.
[in]CertSizeSize of the X509 certificate in bytes.
[out]NameBufferBuffer to contain the retrieved certificate organization name string. At most NameBufferSize bytes will be written and the string will be null terminated. May be NULL in order to determine the size buffer needed.
[in,out]NameBufferSizeThe size in bytes of the Name buffer on input, and the size of buffer returned Name on output. If NameBuffer is NULL then the amount of space needed in buffer (including the final null) is returned.
Return values
RETURN_SUCCESSThe certificate Organization Name retrieved successfully.
RETURN_INVALID_PARAMETERIf Cert is NULL. If NameBufferSize is NULL. If NameBuffer is not NULL and *CommonNameSize is 0. If Certificate is invalid.
RETURN_NOT_FOUNDIf no Organization Name entry exists.
RETURN_BUFFER_TOO_SMALLIf the NameBuffer is NULL. The required buffer size (including the final null) is returned in the CommonNameSize parameter.
RETURN_UNSUPPORTEDThe operation is not supported.
BOOLEAN EFIAPI X509GetSubjectName ( IN CONST UINT8 *  Cert,
IN UINTN  CertSize,
OUT UINT8 *  CertSubject,
IN OUT UINTN *  SubjectSize 

Retrieve the subject bytes from one X.509 certificate.

If Cert is NULL, then return FALSE. If SubjectSize is NULL, then return FALSE. If this interface is not supported, then return FALSE.

[in]CertPointer to the DER-encoded X509 certificate.
[in]CertSizeSize of the X509 certificate in bytes.
[out]CertSubjectPointer to the retrieved certificate subject bytes.
[in,out]SubjectSizeThe size in bytes of the CertSubject buffer on input, and the size of buffer returned CertSubject on output.
Return values
TRUEThe certificate subject retrieved successfully.
FALSEInvalid certificate, or the SubjectSize is too small for the result. The SubjectSize will be updated with the required size.
FALSEThis interface is not supported.
IN UINTN  CertSize,
OUT UINT8 **  TBSCert,

Retrieve the TBSCertificate from one given X.509 certificate.

[in]CertPointer to the given DER-encoded X509 certificate.
[in]CertSizeSize of the X509 certificate in bytes.
[out]TBSCertDER-Encoded To-Be-Signed certificate.
[out]TBSCertSizeSize of the TBS certificate in bytes.

If Cert is NULL, then return FALSE. If TBSCert is NULL, then return FALSE. If TBSCertSize is NULL, then return FALSE. If this interface is not supported, then return FALSE.

Return values
TRUEThe TBSCertificate was retrieved successfully.
FALSEInvalid X.509 certificate.
VOID EFIAPI X509StackFree ( IN VOID *  X509Stack)

Release the specified X509 stack object.

If the interface is not supported, then ASSERT().

[in]X509StackPointer to the X509 stack object to be released.
IN UINTN  CertSize,

Verify one X509 certificate was issued by the trusted CA.

If Cert is NULL, then return FALSE. If CACert is NULL, then return FALSE. If this interface is not supported, then return FALSE.

[in]CertPointer to the DER-encoded X509 certificate to be verified.
[in]CertSizeSize of the X509 certificate in bytes.
[in]CACertPointer to the DER-encoded trusted CA certificate.
[in]CACertSizeSize of the CA Certificate in bytes.
Return values
TRUEThe certificate was issued by the trusted CA.
FALSEInvalid certificate or the certificate was not issued by the given trusted CA.
FALSEThis interface is not supported.