IntelFsp2WrapperPkg[all]  0.1
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This PCD decides how FSP is measured
1) The BootGuard ACM may already measured the FSP component, such as FSPT/FSPM.
We need a flag (PCD) to indicate if there is need to do such FSP measurement or NOT.
2) The FSP binary includes FSP code and FSP UPD region. The UPD region is considered
as configuration block, and it may be updated by OEM by design.
This flag (PCD) is to indicate if we need isolate the the UPD region from the FSP code region.
BIT0: Need measure FSP. (for FSP1.x) - reserved in FSP2.
BIT1: Need measure FSPT. (for FSP 2.x)
BIT2: Need measure FSPM. (for FSP 2.x)
BIT3: Need measure FSPS. (for FSP 2.x)
BIT4~30: reserved.
BIT31: Need isolate UPD region measurement.
0: measure FSP[T|M|S] as one binary in one record (PCR0).
1: measure FSP UPD region in one record (PCR1), the FSP code without UPD in another record (PCR0).

PCD Information

NameToken SpaceToken numberData TypeDefault Value